Colorado Lamb Processors


Our lamb processing site is a state-of-the-art facilty that is completely stainless-steel and can harvest up to 1,800 lambs in a single day.

Temple Grandin Design

Our lamb processing site was designed by Temple Grandin to ensure a stress-free and efficient environment and features a state-of-the-art facility that is completely stainless-steel.

Prioritizing Humane Treatment, Safety and Quality

Located in Brush, Colorado, our custom-designed lamb abattoir was developed for the processing of lamb meat from the initial stages of harvesting to shipping of carcasses. Our facility complies with local, national, and international regulations regarding food safety, hygiene, and animal welfare. The facility's design prioritizes the well-being of animals, the safety of workers, and the production of high-quality, safe meat products.

See our SERVICES section for a full list of the services we provide here at Colorado Lamb Processors.